Acupuncture balances the body's energy systems improving health and quality of life. Our lives can become out of balance due to thought patterns, diet, lack of sleep, lack of exercise, and excesses. Acupuncture helps balance the energy systems by directing energy to the areas of body that are deficient.
This also reduces stress and helps you relax. Acupuncture can bring the body back into emotional balance. It has been helpful in treating depression and anxiety. Acupuncture points have a physical and emotional aspect to their function. There are many reasons for insomnia, acupuncture can treat the causes of insomnia or be used to directly treat sleep disorders. Balancing your body's energy systems strengths your immune system. Acupuncture increases circulation, reduces inflammation and scaring and helps the patient recover faster from injury, illness or surgery. Chronic and acute pain reduction is one of the most common reasons patients seek acupuncture. Acupuncture relieves migraine and arthritis, carpal tunnel, back pain, etc. Respiratory health including allergies and asthma are positively impacted by the use of acupuncture. A powerful benefit of acupuncture is the reduction of the side effects of chemo and radiation therapies.
The effects of acupuncture are not limited to one area of the body or one symptom. Acupuncture treats the whole person.
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